Top #3 Complaints about job boards and how InsuranceWorks.com protects you from them
The internet is an indispensable part of job searches everywhere. For over 15 years now, recruitment and hiring in all industries has moved from print and paper sources to online sources. Even job fairs, recruiting firms and networking events are conceived and marketed online on job boards and social media sites. Despite the ray of hope this provides to people everywhere looking for work, there is a dark side to this new level of service. At InsuranceWorks.com, we believe it is our responsibility to minimize the negative aspects of job searching or recruiting online. As a niche job board, we take the service we provide to our chosen industry very serious.
An article from Bloomberg.com detailing accusations from Linkedin users that the popular networking site hacked into their email contacts to start spamming, caught our attention after Michelle Straka, President of InsuranceWorks.com, saw a fake profile if her sister-in-law. Read the article here.
“As an employer who has posted multiple job postings on Linkedin, I became concerned when my sister-in-law claimed she had never heard of the site, asking me what “Link-ed” was” said Michelle “When I thought back I realized that her profile didn’t have a picture or any of the employment details that a legitimate user would enter. That is when my suspicion grew. Furthermore, she uses no social media services at all, so I found it strange to see her information on Linkedin. We joked that if there was ever a picture posted she better hope Linkedin picks a flattering one. On a more serious note, I have previously posted jobs on Linkedin because I viewed it as a professional site with high business ethics. The thought that they had accessed my email contacts and created “fake” profiles of my friends and family to catch my attention changed my opinion in an instant. Then I got to thinking about how happy I was that InsuranceWorks.com has always maintained a high level of integrity when it came to its services. My personal approach to our jobseeker community and job postings has always been based on quality over quantity. ” That got us talking more about the benefits of using a niche job board that keeps your security and safety top of mind, and the risks of doing the opposite.
Whether you are a Jobseeker or an Employer/Recruiter, here is how we protect your online reputation and security:
Top 3 complaints about job board/social media sites and how InsuranceWorks.com protects you:
Job postings that don’t exist other than to get your personal info into the hands of criminals, sudden surge in spam email from unrelated sources after you register, fake job postings listed under reputable company names but don’t exist when you speak to that company’s HR department. Careerbuilder.com and Monster.com are two of the bigger sites who have such complaints associated with them.
How InsuranceWorks.com protects you:
We pre-screen all Employers/Recruiters who request access to our services to ensure that they are reputable employers of insurance professionals before we allow them to post jobs or search resumes. If they are not legit insurance employers or recruiters, we don’t allow them to use our site.
Unrelated job postings
Job postings that are in no way related to your job search, by way of backfill job posting services.
How InsuranceWorks.com protects you:
InsuranceWorks.com has never used backfill services and never will. Backfill job postings are job postings that are fed to your site from a larger job board or job aggregator. They are used by job boards to “fill in” their job postings so it looks like they have more job postings than they actually do. A sure sign that a site is using backfill services is a list of job postings that mostly don’t correspond to the search criteria you have entered. If we have only 2 insurance job postings on our site, we will be happier than if we had 300 job postings that are not insurance-related. It is important to us that we know who is posting the job or searching resumes, which we cannot control if we were to use backfill services.
Fake user profiles
How InsuranceWorks.com protects you:
A commitment to quality over quantity has meant that we may have grown at a slower rate than some of our bigger competitors, but the end result is a niche insurance job board with a staff that is committed to providing the highest level of customer service, and a database of industry specific talent. We simply don’t utilize the newest in data collection to scoop contacts with the intention of padding our database. Viewing 3 resumes for excellent candidates makes you much better off in your recruitment efforts than viewing 40 resumes of unrelated and disengaged talent. We are old school, relying on reputation and tried and true marketing methods to attract users to our site.
In the end, our motive in this article is not to speak negatively of our competitors. It is only to assure our community that we are doing everything in our power to build a place for them to showcase their skills and experience as well as their job postings that is as reputable as they are.
Our Customer Service team is accessible to answer any questions you have about our site and code of ethics Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm EST Toll Free 1-877-846-6604